Sunday, February 8, 2009

Who am I ?

As for who I am, well I don't know well enough myself to tell anyone else. If I were to describe myself then that's not so hard. But the question of who am I, well to that I have no answer. As for describing myself here it goes:
Red hair
Blue eyes
I'm extremely fair and I have freckles covering my entire body
5"5 (last I checked)
I wear a size 8 in shoes sometimes 8 1/2
I have a tattoo of a stick figure moving my lawn ( in an area that grandmother would not approve)
I have a bad temper
Little to no patients

I moved to New York City when I was seventeen years old. I graduated high school a half year early and moved to Long Island City with my sister who was twenty at the time. I thought by relocating myself I might find out what or who I wanted to be in this world. I started attending BMCC thinking that when i finally got out of there i was going to be this amazing success. How utterly wrong I was. I went in determined to be a business major, telling myself that I was going to make it to the top, head honcho. Four semesters later and I'm unsure if business is even the route I want to take. My goals? Life, school, today, now, change more then I change my underwear. My goal for life? I want to be happy and successful like everyone else. I think a job as a buyer, someones personal stylist, or even both for a multi-million dollar corporation. That would be nice. But again doing nothing all day sounds equally enticing. As for my goal in school, well I suppose I should get another degree in fashion to pursue my life goals. Today's goals, finishing my homework before work at three. My now goal, finishing this blog.

World Literature, not really my thing. I took a creative writing class last semester and I loved it. Writing whatever come off the top of my head, awesome! It might also have to do with the fact that I was writing poems that were similar to Dr. Suss and Shel Silverstein. I'm not one for Shakespeare or to be honest any of the authors we are required to read. I like to read authors such as Charles Bukowski, George Orwell, Ernest Hemingway, Hunter S. Thompson, Kurt Vonnegut, Fitzgerald etc. etc. etc. Although I don't have much interest in our required authors I'm always in for a good read and learning new things. I don't have much knowledge on world literature, so that's why I'm here. I want to leave this class being able say " The Tempest by Shakespeare? I already read it " I want to leave here a little more well rounded in literature.

A Million little pieces by James Fray was the last book I read. It was a life story about a man that was into sex, drugs and alcohol. It told his journey through hospitals, rehab and women. He was an alcoholic and a crack addict. He would do just about anything to get either or. He found himself having sex with prostitutes and doing drugs in abandon warehouse. He finally checked into a rehab and met a girl that was just as bad off as he was. They tried to help each other through the awful struggle. She ended up leaving the rehab multiple times and ended up using again. The story ended with him clean. Personally I enjoyed reading this. For some reason I like reading sorties about sex, drugs and how fucked up peoples lives are. This book is just that. I can't really say there is all that much I dislike about it. The only thing was James Fray got riped another one my Opera because supposedly it's not all true. So throughout the book I kept thinking" Is this part true?" Besides that, Stellar. I would pass it along to someone else. So far i have not found that book that changed my life, or my way of thinking. I'm on the hunt for it and maybe I'll find it here.

1 comment:

  1. Maureen, I like your writing style. It's quirky and unique. I only briefly met you the other day, but I imagine your personality is something like this. If so, I'm confident you will add some flavor to our class discussions on line. I look forward to reading more of you.
