Monday, February 23, 2009

Finger prints

I went into the bank the other day to finally get direct deposit. It's been over a year and a half working at this awful retail job, and i finally took the time to get direct deposits. So as the teller is doing all the necessary steps to getting me direct deposit i stumble across this small little box, that looks like an ink pad. So i curiously stick my finger in it to see what it was. As my prior hypothesis was correct it was indeed an ink pad for your finger prints. I quickly started putting all my fingers in it and putting my finer prints all over. My point it that I had never though that someones finger print could be so different from someone else. That with all the billions and billions of people we are all different.
Like my finger print, we all have a different story and or experience or enlightenment. I see enlightenment as doing something different and gaining knowledge and experience from it.
i would relate my enlightenment to Immanuel Kant's piece. I know it may sound a bit cliche or perhaps lame but moving away from home was huge for me. I did not know anything other then it. I was in this bubble, I'm from a small town where the most exciting thing that happens is grandmas cat got stuck in the tree. I would go to school work, maybe hang out with a few friends, come home my mom would have dinner ready and then i would do my chores and go to bed. This was a set schedule for I'd say about seventeen years of my life. It was comfortable. But i wanted more, I wanted to be free and experience the world for myself. So it was then i decide to break free. ( Like the song break free by Queen, it would make perfect back round song)

I just turned eighteen, I found a small cute apartment in Long Island City with my sister. My dad dropped us and our stuff off and went back home. I was free. No more parents to tell me what to do, clean my room wash the dishes, i could bring guys home or maybe just not come home. I soon learned that with the good comes bad. I did my rebelling at first but soon after i realized how much I depended on my parents. I had not eaten a home cooked meal in about two months. i had stickily survived off of goldfish and gummy bears. Not the most nutritious but it worked. Quickly life was taking a swift turn down hill. Right then and there I told myself that I was a grown up and I could and was going to take care of myself. So i got a job, and stared to learn how to cook.

A year latter here I am still living with my sister, but this time around I am an adult. I cook clean and work full time and I'm a full time student. i knew that there was better out there besides my small town Wurtsboro, and I found it and conquered it. I'm proud of myself and all that i have learned. I accomplished so much in the course of almost two years. And because of that I call this my enlightenment.

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