Monday, March 2, 2009

An Unfair World

"Life's not fair"
I always hated it when someone would tell me that.
"Maureen life's not fair, you don't always get what you want"
I never really understood what this meant until recently. Growing up everyone always told me that I could be whatever I want if i tried hard enough.I think everyone is given that same talk. In high school I can remember thinking that i was going to be something great some day. I just had this gut feeling that i was better then the rest. I had something that they were lacking.
Soon did i find out, I was not the only one who taught this. Coming to New York I feel so insignificant. Little fish in a big sea kinda thing. I don't feel like I have so much to offer anymore. Searching for what I once believed so firmly of.

Going to College, trying to make something of myself in this shitty world. Searching for a way to leave a mark. That's why i went into business, i thought that it was a little more meaning full then A liberal arts degree. But the way our economy looks, they are equally as meaningful. I'm paying and working so hard to be here and get a good experience, when in the end i hate everything about it. The world is funny how some people have so much, and so many people have nothing. How harmless children are born into crack families and raised with nothing, and some are raised with millions.

Life is not fair. Never will it be. I wish I had the money to do half the things i would like to do. Go to the college i want instead of BMCC, get out of new york, travel, this in an endless list . Life would not be so bad if we could all live like Paris Hilton, minus and drugs and eating disorders. My opportunities would be endless, i would know people and have the money to do things.

But for now,
I'm going to keep working my awful job at Urban Outfitters and attending a school that i despise I'll keep trying to make the best for me. Because we all no Life's not fair.

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