Monday, March 30, 2009

My first job here in New York City was Urban Outfitters. No job to bag or tell your friends about. Not something that boosted my ego up to high.But it meant finding friends and a way to pay my rent.  I've been working there for just about two years now. Throughout that time I can't even start the list of how many people have come and gone there. Its completely understandable. Retail is a painful job. You don't know or understand until you have experienced it yourself. Until about six months ago, i have not seen one person leave the store. This to me is insanity! Usually people are running out the door looking for another job. On an average about i get about ten phone calls a day asking if we are hiring ( which the answer is no, but we are accepting applications) and that's just me, not counting the other fifteen people answering the phone daily. There are also the people who walk into the store asking for a job application and asking the same question "Are you guys hiring?" and yet again i have to give them the settle let down.  I have never seen grown men and women  come ask me how they can get a job at Urban outfitters, it makes me sick just thinking that these well educated people are placed on the same level as the special ed boy Daniel that works in the men's department folding shirts for hours straight.  I have come to believe that we hired him to for fill our equal employment opportunity.  This scares me. Better yet I'm horrified to lose my job to. I want to get out of New York and move to Portland. I would be transferring from one urban Outfitters to another, but what if all their positions are filled and they have no more hours to give out because they are not moving enough money. They just don't have enough money for payroll? This makes me horrified and miserable.  i don't want to be here in New York any more so now I'm scared to move and have to come back and live with my parents because I'll be so broke. 
I take two economics classes, one right after another. I can't tell you how depressing these classes are. I love to know whats going on and how everything works but i can;t handle it.  It boggles my mind in how we are going to pull out of this recession. And how much further we are going to hit. Today i was walking out of class and i walked by a street vendor selling hats. What stopped me was his bright sign that read "RECESSION SPECIAL $3.00" Yes this was comical but also extremely sad. 

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